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Mission Statement and Policies

Library Use  |  Circulation  |  Collection Development & Gifts |  Confidentiality Notice | 
Exhibits |  Food & Drink |  Interlibrary Loan |  Room Reservation |  Social Media |  Special Collections
Mission Statement
The Hewes Library's mission is to support and uphold the liberal arts curriculum and traditions of Monmouth College. The Hewes Library’s charge is to support the information needs of the faculty, staff, students, and members of the community while also encouraging lifelong learning. We seek to teach information literacy skills and support academic honesty. At the same time, Hewes Library is the physical home to a core collection of information materials that have been developed in association with the college faculty and the college’s mission. Hewes Library strives to be a welcoming space for patrons to study, discuss, and learn - both individually and collaboratively while examining the world of scholarship inside and outside of the library’s walls.

Library Use Policy
Our purpose is to support the research and scholarship of Monmouth College students, staff and faculty. We also welcome adult researchers who are not affiliated with the College and offer access for adult members of the general public as a U.S. Government Federal Depository. This library use policy has been created to protect the rights and safety of all library patrons and for preserving and protecting the library’s materials, equipment, facility and grounds for current and future generations. In order to accomplish our mission, we ask that all patrons respect the following use guidelines: Noise levels should be kept to a minimum. The use of tobacco of any kind is not permitted on the premises. The use of ecigarettes or vaping devices is prohibited on the premises. All cell phone activity should be kept to a minimum. Polite, courteous cell phone use is important to maintain an academic atmosphere. We encourage the use of entryways for conversations and ringers should be shut off while using the library. All food and drink should be confined designated eating and/or drinking areas. Full food/drink policy below. Any person under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 21. Use of Internet resources (which are unfiltered) must correspond to the Campus Internet Use policy. Proper identification must be shown when requested by library staff. Library staff reserve the right to ask any library user in violation of these guidelines or engaged in any disruptive behavior to leave the premises.

Circulation Policies

Eligible Borrowers
The following persons are eligible to check out items from Hewes Library:

  1. Current Monmouth College students, faculty, and staff.
  2. Community patrons, over the age of 16, with a current Warren County Public Library card and valid driver's license.
  3. Persons with a valid ID associated with an I-Share library.

Hewes Library and Monmouth College are not responsible for the content of materials checked out or viewed on public terminals by minors.

All library patrons must follow library and college policies.

Checking Materials Out

Circulating materials include books, DVDs, music CDs, oversized items, software, and most government documents.  Materials that do not circulate include reference, periodicals, course reserves, LP recordings, Special Collections and Archive materials. Despite eligibility, some collections may not be available to check out to all patron groups. 

All patrons must present their Monmouth College ID at the Information Desk, located on the main floor of Hewes Library, when checking items out.  At this time the materials will be checked out on the patron’s account and stamped with the due date. Despite eligibility, some collections may not be available to check out to all patron groups. 

Loan Periods


Loan Period for Community patrons

Loan Period for Students

Loan Period for Faculty & Staff

Books, software, most Government Documents (in print) 30 days 30 days

120 days

CDs, DVDs 5 days 5 days 5 days
Course Reserves Not available 2 hours (in-house use only) See library staff
I-Share materials Not available

28 days (3 renewals)

28 days (6 renewals)
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) materials Not available as determined by lending library as determined by lending library
All other materials In-house use only In-house use only In-house use only

Borrowing Loan Limits


Community Patrons Students Faculty
DVDs 2 items 5 items 5 items
All other Hewes Library collections 10 items 25 items 50 items

Hewes Library materials can be renewed up to 3 times if there is no recall or hold placed on it. Once the maximum number of renewals has been reached, the item can be renewed at the Information Desk, if additional time is required. Contact the Information Desk at 309-457-2190 with questions. Please see chart below for additional renewal policies. (video instructions)

Material Students & Community Patrons Faculty & Staff How Renew?
Hewes Library materials up to three renewals up to three renewals in-person, via phone, or online via library account before the due date (video)
I-Share materials up to three renewals (*not available to community patrons) up to three renewals online via library account before the due date (video)
Course Reserves one renewal for addition two-hour period (*not available to community patrons) one renewal in-person before the due time
Worldshare interlibrary loan materials renewal is at discretion of lending library (*not available to community patrons) renewal is at discretion of lending library (*not available to community patrons) Email ILL@monmouthcollege.edu

A recall can be placed on an item once it has been checked out for two weeks.  Items that are recalled should be returned to the library within 48 hours of the recall.  Recalled items must be returned to the Information Desk during library hours.  After hours, the item should be placed in the outdoor book drop located at the west exit of the library. If you would like to place a hold or recall on an item that is currently checked out to another patron, please inquire at the Hewes Library Information Desk 309-457-2190.

Overdue Materials
Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy to library patrons.  The first two notices will remind the patron of the overdue item.  The third notice informs the patron a bill will be sent if the item is not returned within two weeks.  The fourth notice is a bill for the item. If you receive an overdue notice that you believe is in error, please contact the Hewes Library Information Desk 309-457-2190.

Billing for Lost Items
Fees for lost items are based on national library averages.  Students and public patrons will be sent a bill for library materials not returned.  Students will have the charges placed on their student account.  All payments should be made at the Monmouth College Business Office.   Items returned after they have been billed to a student’s account, and before the library has replaced the item, will be reimbursed for all but a $10 business office transaction fee.  Bills for faculty and staff will be submitted to the Director of the Library for collection. 

Returning Items
Library materials can be returned to the book drop at the Information Desk during library hours.  After hours, materials can be returned to the outside book drop at the west exit of the library.

Patron Claims Item Returned
A patron has the option to fill out a Claims Returned form if they have returned an item but it still appears on their library account.  A search for the item will be conducted at various stages.  If the item is found it will be checked in and cleared from the patron’s account.  If it cannot be found, a decision will be made whether to charge the patron or not.  Patrons will be notified of the results of the search and of any fees for which they may be responsible.

Course Reserves
Items are placed on reserve by faculty for student use through out the semester.  Most reserves circulate for two hours and cannot leave the library.  Reserves are for students and faculty use only.  Monmouth College ID cards must be presented to check out reserve items.  Students may check out up to two reserve items at a time. Faculty may check out course reserves for an extended period of time (please see library staff).

The library has a fax machine available to students, faculty, and staff.  The library will accept faxes for members of the Monmouth College community.  All faxes received must have a cover page indicating the recipient of the fax.

Collection Development & Gift Policies

The Hewes Library Collection Development Policy details collection development objectives, selection criteria, and collection maintenance.  The Gift Policy, which is Appendix D, outlines the acceptance of gifts to the library.  

Confidentiality Notice

Hewes Library provides access to information for library patrons and we support intellectual freedom and library patrons confidentiality. Hewes Library adheres to the American Library Association's Code of Ethics when it comes to matters of library confidentiality.

Highlighted below are Sections I and III:

  • Section I: "We provide the highest level of service to all library users through appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable service policies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all requests."
  • Section III: "We protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted."

The full American Library Association's Code of Ethics can be found listed on their webpage.

Exhibit Policy

Hewes Library offers display and exhibit spaces for use by the campus community, thereby enriching the learning accomplishments of the College and integrating the Library with the mission and life of the campus.

Exhibits must:

  • Relate to the mission of the college.
  • Be sponsored by the library, a faculty, staff, or administrator.
  • Enrich the learning experience of the community.
  • Be non-commercial in nature. Fund raising or political or campaign exhibits are not allowed

Exhibit spaces:

  • Are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Materials should be delivered in display-ready condition.  The Library does not, matt, mount, or affix     materials.  Limited display supplies are available.
  • Any labeling and accompanying information must be approved in advance.
  • Exhibitors agree to allow the library to use images of any display for promotional purposes.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for delivery (set-up) and pick-up (take down) of display materials.
  • The Library reserves the right to reject a display due to inappropriate content or space limitations.
  • The library is not responsible for loss or damage to a display.
  • There are no special security arrangements for open displays.  Display cases have locks.

Exhibit content:

The American Library Association’s recommendations for intellectual freedom in academic libraries clearly states that “Freedom of information and of creative expression should be reflected in library exhibits...”  While Hewes Library fosters a forum for the free, civil, and orderly exchange of ideas, values and opinions, in an environment that sustains teaching and learning, we believe this freedom of expression must include a respect for the dignity of others, a recognition of the rights of others to hold differing opinions, and to above all maintain civility at all times.

Any concern about an exhibit in the library must be submitted in writing to the Library Director.  At that time, the exhibitor will be provided with the opportunity to respond to the concern.  The Director, with the College Administration will respond to all exhibit concerns in writing.

Exhibit application:

The Exhibit Request form must be submitted to the library one week prior to display. Exhibitors will need to schedule a consultation time with the Archivist before the exhibit can be displayed.

Hewes Library Exhibit Request Form

Hewes Library Exhibit Policy

Food & Drink Policy

Food and lidded beverage containers are allowed in the Einstein Brothers Bagels dining area located on the main floor of Hewes Library.

Beyond the Einstein’s dining area, small snacks and lidded beverages are permitted provided they are consumed neatly and all remainders are disposed of properly. Library staff reserves the right to prohibit eating or drinking that disturbs users or is detrimental to Library property.  Report food or drink spills to the Information Desk or Research Desk promptly.  

No food or beverages are allowed in Special Collections.

Interlibrary Loan

Hewes Library Interlibrary Loan Policy

"Each library has a responsibility to make very effort to meet the reading needs of its community. Given the wide range of user needs, this responsibility cannot be met solely by its local collection. Therefore lending materials among libraries for the use of individuals in Illinois is vital to the public interest..." - preface to the Illinois Interlibrary Loan Code 1988


An interlibrary loan (ILL) is a transaction in which library material, or a copy of the material, is made available by one library to another upon request.

Purpose and mission of the Interlibrary Loan Department

It is the mission of the Interlibrary Loan department to locate and acquire, whenever possible, materials not owned by Monmouth College for the educational, research, and general needs of the College community. The ILL department also acts as a resource for materials from our collection to all eligible requesting libraries in an effort to efficiently share resources. Hewes Library's ILL department complies with ALA guidelines, the Illinois Interlibrary Loan Code (2000), the copyright law (Title 17, US Code) and the Alliance Library System (ALS) Interlibrary Loan policy.

Interlibrary Loan: Borrowing

  1. ILL users: Interlibrary Loan service is offered to all Monmouth College students, faculty, and staff. Patrons not currently affiliated with the College are not eligible and will be directed to their local public library or institution.
  2. Materials available: the lending library determines what materials are or are not loaned out. Generally reference materials, periodicals, rare books, and bulky or fragile items are not available. In some cases, libraries do not lend microfilm/microfiche materials, dissertations, theses, or any other item not in their main collection. Requests for textbooks and other items used for courses during the semester will not be made.
  3. Processing time: the time needed to obtain an Interlibrary Loan is dependent upon the difficulty of the request, proximity of the lending library, and the amount of requests to be processed. Service will be given as speedily as conditions permit.
  4. Charges: Interlibrary Loan is considered a service for the students, faculty, and staff of Monmouth College, therefore no charges will be passed on to our patrons.
  5. Procedures:
    • An Interlibrary Loan request form must be completed for each item requested with complete bibliographic information. Many databases have online forms that can be submitted electronically. 
    • All forms must be filled out with complete citation and contact information.
    • Patrons are limited to 5 requests per day. Patrons who submit more than 5 requests will have the first five processed with the rest to be completed as time allows.
    • Incomplete requests or requests for items already in our collection will be returned to the requestor.
    • When the item arrives, patrons will receive an email notifying them the item is available. Books will be placed on the Hold shelf at the Information Desk.
    • Patrons will need to present a valid Monmouth College ID when picking up Interlibrary Loan items.
    • All materials borrowed should be returned on or before the due date to the Information Desk. Photocopies do not have to be returned, unless specifically noted. The patron should leave the ILL identification paper band on the book.
    • Patrons will be contacted if Interlibrary Loans are not picked up after seven (7) days. If, after being contacted, the patron still has not picked up their Interlibrary Loan, the item will be returned to the lending library.
  6. Loan duration / restrictions: the lending library determines the length of the loan and restrictions concerning where material may be used. These due dates and restrictions should be respected. Some items may be restricted to "in library use only" for valuable or irreplaceable items.
  7. Renewals: renewals may or may not be granted depending upon the policy of the lending library.  Renewal requests cannot be submitted on overdue items. All borrowed materials are subject to recall and must be returned promptly.
  8. Overdues / lost items: if an Interlibrary Loan item becomes overdue, the patron will be notified by email that they will be charged $60 per item if the item is not returned within seven (7) days. The patron will also have their Hewes Library circulation privileges revoked until the item is returned. If a patron loses an item, the replacement expense will be determined by the lending library and will be passed on to the borrowing patron. Any fines charged by the lending library will be passed on to the borrowing patron as well.
  9. Violations: repeated disregard of these guidelines by any patron will lead to a suspension to ILL services to that patron for a duration to be determined by the Access Services Manager.
  10. Responsibilities:
    • Hewes Library is responsible for compliance with the copyright law (Title 17, US Code) and its accompanying guidelines, and shall inform its users of the applicable portions of the law.
    • Hewes Library shall use its local resources before initiating Interlibrary Loan requests.
    • Hewes Library shall honor the lending library's conditions of loan.
    • Hewes Library is responsible for: returning loans promptly; safety of materials; and all costs of repair or replacement in accordance with the policy of the lending library.

Interlibrary Loan Lending

  1. ILL users: any library may request materials from Hewes Library, Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois.
  2. Materials available: Hewes Library attempts to maintain as generous a lending policy as possible. Any book in our main collection not currently in use may go out. Any government document in our depository not currently in use may go out. Requests for microfilm/microfiche and audiovisual materials will be handled by the Access Services Manager on a case-by-case basis. Reference materials, curriculum lab materials, reserve materials, periodicals, rare or valuable materials, musical recordings (both CD and LP), and archival materials are not available for loan. On-site use of non-circulating collections is available.
  3. Processing time: service will be given as speedily as conditions permit. It is our goal to process requests from other libraries within 2-3 days.
  4. Charges: we are happy to not charge other libraries for Interlibrary Loan requests. We make every effort to encourage reciprocal agreements with others and often as possible. We are proud to be members of the Alliance Library System and LVIS (Libraries Very Interested in Sharing).
  5. Procedures: Hewes Library will accept requests by OCLC Worldshare, ALA forms, fax, e-mail, telephone, and U.S. mail. This information may be found in the OCLC Name-Address Directory.
  6. Loan duration / restrictions: books are on loan for 30 days. Photocopies do not have to be returned. Depending on condition and format, some items may be restricted to "library use only."
  7. Renewals: most items will be renewed for an additional 30 days. Renewal requests should be made before the due date whenever possible. We reserve the right to recall an item if overdue, or if needed for an on-site patron.
  8. Overdues / lost items: when an item has been overdue for three (3) weeks, it will be recalled and/or a note requesting status will be sent. When an item has been overdue six (6) weeks, a bill will be sent to the borrowing library requesting payment.
  9. Responsibilities:
    • Hewes Library shall implement lending policies with due consideration for the needs of its primary clientele.
    • Copies of this Interlibrary Loan policy statement shall be available upon request. This policy is also available via the OCLC Name-Address Directory.
    • Hewes Library shall notify the borrowing library promptly if materials are not being sent.

Room Reservations Policy

Room Descriptions and Equipment

Eligible groups

  1. Reservation privileges are limited to:
    • Monmouth College faculty or staff
    • Monmouth College students practicing class-related presentations
    • Recognized and financially-sponsored Monmouth College campus organizations.  Faculty/staff advisors are encouraged to be present for organization events and may be contacted by the library for further authorization.
    • Recognized Monmouth College alumni organizations
    • Organizations not affiliated with Monmouth College should contact Campus Events Secretary Dian Henson (at 309-457-2345 or dian@monmouthcollege.edu) for more information.


Campus requests must be made online through the Campus Room Request form. Off campus groups should contact Campus Events Secretary Dian Henson (at 309-457-2345 or dian@monmouthcollege.edu).

Audio-Visual Technology Requests

Requests for audio-visual technology (computers, projectors, etc.) should accompany the room request directed to Events Coordinator, Dian Henson at 309.457.2345 or reservations@monm.edu.  Groups wishing to bring their own technology should check with the Events Coordinator to ensure that it will be compatible with existing Library systems. 


In accordance with U.S. copyright law (U.S. Code Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 110 (1)), performances of media such as audio or video, or readings of literary or dramatic works, must be "by instructors or pupils in the course of face-to-face teaching activities." More information can be found at: the U.S. Copyright Office website.

Food & Drink

Concerning Room Reservations, food and drink may be permitted under special circumstances, as approved in advance by Library Director Sarah Henderson (309-457-2192, schenderson@monmouthcollege.edu). No food or drink is allowed in HL208 Special Collections.

Cancellations & Damages

If an event is cancelled, the requester must notify the Library as soon as possible. Damages related to the event or attributed to those attending will be charged to the sponsoring organization.

Loss of privileges

Repeated violations or failures to comply with any part of the above policy will result in a loss of reservation privileges.

Social Media Policy

Hewes Library Social Media Policy

Hewes Library promotes the value of library services, spaces, collections and programs with the Monmouth College community and the community at-large.

Hewes Library encourages patrons to share their experiences and enthusiasm on our social media channels, and reserves the right to share the stories and comments that you’ve shared with us. Links to our social media platforms are available on the library website: https://library.monmouthcollege.edu.

Hewes Library follows the Monmouth College social media guidelines and adhere to the Monmouth College Information Systems Policies and Procedures:  https://department.monm.edu/is/policies.htm

Hewes Library asks that those who engage with social media conduct themselves with respect and courtesy. Hewes Library reserves the right to remove anything that is objectionable, including:

  • Items or comments that are obscene, discriminatory, derogatory or threatening
  • Plagiarized material
  • Commercial promotions or spam

Special Collections Use Policy

Hewes Library provides access to the Special Collections after a request has been completed and returned to a senior staff member. The following practices will safeguard the unique materials in the collection for future use. Forms to use Special Collections are available at the Information Desk.

Special Collections Usage Policy

  1. All Special Collections materials are housed in closed stacks and are not available for browsing. A Request Form must be filled out for each item or collection requested to facilitate its retrieval and to establish responsibility for its use.
  2. Special collections materials do not circulate and must be used only at the designated table near the Information Desk.
  3. No eating or drinking is permitted while using materials from the collection.
  4. Take notes in pencil only. The use of pens or markers is prohibited.
  5. The researcher is responsible for the careful handling of all materials made available. Extra care should be taken in handling large volumes, brittle pages, and in opening folded plates and maps. Do not mark on any of the materials in this collection. Do not place other books on top of the materials. Tracing is not allowed. Do not use adhesive notes on any of the materials. Researchers may be asked to wear special gloves when handling certain materials.
  6. Some materials may be wrapped in "phase boxes." Remove only one book from a box at a time - this helps to minimize mixing the wrong book with the wrong box. Each item contains a flag that must be kept in the book or box.
  7. Backpacks and other carrying bags are not permitted when using items from Special Collections. A staff member will aid you in the safekeeping of personal items.
  8. Because of the fragile nature of many of the materials in the collection you should address any photocopying needs with a senior library staff member.
  9. All materials must be returned to a senior staff member. Arrangements may be made to hold materials for continued use.