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Searching the catalog

The catalog can be searched in multiple ways

Hewes Library Catalog Searches all physical books, dvds and media available in Hewes Library, and select digital resources (government documents, Monmouth-owned Ebooks). 

Searches Hewes Library-owned physical items, I-Share Libraries catalogs, some Ebook collections, AND popular and scholarly journal articles (some citation-only, some full-text) from select databases.

I-Share Libraries Catalog Searches materials owned in I-Share consortium libraries (Illinois academic libraries). Book materials are requestable via I-Share. Ebooks are not available to borrow due to publisher restrictions. 
Articles Searches millions of popular and scholarly journal articles (some citation-only, some full-text) accessible through Hewes Library databases.
Course Reserves Searches a subset of materials on reserve for a Monmouth College course.


My Library Account

It is recommended to login to your library account when using the library catalog:

1) to ensure access to all library-owned and subscribed digital resources, including eBooks and full-text journal articles

2) to request materials from I-Share libraries

3) to renew borrowed materials

  • Sign into your library account using your Monmouth College email address and password.

primo sign in bar

primo login screen

Catalog search tutorial

What can I do with my library account?

Login to My Library Account to view:

  • Loans from Hewes Library and I-Share libraries
  • I-Share requests
  • Fines/Fees/Blocks/Messages
  • Account details
  • My Favorites: a list of items saved from all facets of the catalog
  • Saved searches
  • Search history

....and to borrow I-Share materials and renew borrowed materials

Information and FAQs

I-Share is a sharing alliance of approximately 90 Illinois libraries.

Monmouth College students, faculty, and staff may borrow materials from I-Share free of charge.

What can I borrow from I-Share?

Books, and some multi-media items (at the discretion of the lending library)

How do make an I-Share request? video tutorial

  • Sign into the library catalog using your Monmouth College email address and password.

primo sign in bar

primo login screen

  • Conduct a search in the Hewes Library catalog. If the item is not located, find the link to the ALL I-SHARE LIBRARIES SEARCH in the top menu.

select an I-Share search

  • Conduct a search (again)
  • When the item you want is located, click the item TITLE.
  • In the full record, find HOW TO GET IT and click the I-SHARE bar underneath. The bar will turn grey and process. Indicate a "Not needed after" date, if necessary.

ishare how to get it button

  • A request form will display. The PICK UP LOCATION and PICK UP INSTITUTION will default to Monmouth College, but can be changed to other locations. 


  • Click send ishare request button

I-Share FAQ's

  1. How do I log into my I-Share account? Login to the library catalog using your Monmouth College email address and password. example
  2. How do I request an item through I-Share?  Login to the library catalog (see above). Search the I-Share catalog for the item you wish to borrow. Click the title, click the I-SHARE button, and SEND REQUEST. Video tutorial
  3. How long does it take for materials to arrive? Materials, delivered Monday - Friday, arrive in approximately 3 days. 
  4. How do I know when the item has arrived? You will receive an email in the early morning after the item has arrived at Monmouth. You may also wish to login to your library account via the catalog and check the request status, or inquire at the Hewes Library Information Desk.
  5. What does it cost?  This service is FREE!
  6. When will an item be due? Students may circulate I-Share books for 28 days (4 weeks), and may renew the item, through your library account, three times. Faculty/Staff may circulation I-Share books for 28 days with six renewals.
  7. Can I renew materials I borrowed via I-Share? Yes, you may renew an I-Share item at any time, by logging into your library account via the library catalog. While looking at the list of you loans, click the RENEW button by the title you wish to renew. If the item is renewable, a new due date will display. Items that are not renewable should be returned by the due date to Hewes Library. (video)
  8. I can't make a request for a book in I-Share. Why am I blocked? Contact Hewes Library Access Services for more information: 309-457-2192 during business hours.
  9. What if I return something late / lose an item / damage an item?  Monmouth College patrons are soley repsonsible for lost, damaged or late I-Share items. Fee notices will be communicated from the lending library and fees should be paid directly to that library. Contact Hewes Library Access Services 309-457-2192 if you have questions.
  10. What if I don't find what I am looking for in the Monmouth Library Catalog or the I-Share catalog? Materials may also be requested using our WorldShare request forms.
  11. Can I put books obtained via WorldShare or I-Share on reserve? No, books from other libraries may NOT be placed on reserve. Faculty should make a purchase request for course reserve materials.
  12. Who do I contact if I have problems with, or questions about, I-Share? Visit the Hewes Library information desk and speak to a librarian (hours), email schenderson@monmouthcollege.edu, or call 309-457-2192.


Additional catalogs

Additional catalogs and resources to discover materials that may not be available in Hewes Library and I-Share Libraries.


Search the world's largest network of libraries. Items may be obtained via WorldShare interlibrary loan.

Warren Count Public Library

Just blocks away, the Warren County Public Library has a wealth of children's literature, popular fiction, and non-fiction materials to supplement Hewes Library's collection. Monmouth College patrons may apply for a card to circulate materials at WCPL with the following: MC ID, piece of mail with your MC address, and State ID (e.g. driver's license).