State and Local
- The Courier (Monmouth College)
Monmouth College student newspaper published on select Fridays during the semester.
- Daily Review-Atlas (Monmouth, IL)
Publisher's website allows access to 7 articles per month for free. Archive 5/23/02 to present. Print copy received Monday-Saturday retained for 2 months.
- Register-Mail (Galesburg, IL)
Publisher's website allows access to 7 articles per month for free. Archive 7/1/1997 to present. Print copy received daily and retained for 2 months.
- Journal Star (Peoria, IL)
Publisher's website allows access to 7 articles per month for free. Archive 1991 to present. Print copy, Sunday-Saturday, retained for 2 months.
- Chicago Tribune
Print copy, Sunday issues only, received via mail with one day delay. Print retained for 2 months.
- Nexis Uni This link opens in a new window
Full text of more than 15,000 business, legal, and news sources (national and international) including The New York Times. U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. Learn more.
- Newspaper Source This link opens in a new window
Provides cover-to-cover full text of 40 national and international newspapers and selected full text of 390 regional newspapers. Updated daily.
- Chicago Tribune
Print copy, Sunday issues only, received via mail with one day delay. Print retained for 2 months.
- New York Times
Digital access via Nexis Uni: 06/01/1980 to the present.
Digital access via New York Times Historical: 1851- 3 year embargo
Print: Sunday only, received via mail with one day delay. Print retained for 3 months. - USA Today
Digital via Access World News: 07/01/1987 to the present
Print copy, received daily via mail with one day delay. Print retained for 2 months.
- Nexis Uni This link opens in a new window
Full text of more than 15,000 business, legal, and news sources (national and international) including The New York Times. U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. Learn more.
- Newspaper Source This link opens in a new window
Provides cover-to-cover full text of 40 national and international newspapers and selected full text of 390 regional newspapers. Updated daily.
- Times Digital Archive (1785-6yr embargo) This link opens in a new window
Full-image and fully searchable access to daily newspaper The Times (London). This resource can also be searched, along other resources, within Gale Primary Sources. Coverage: 1785 through 6 years from the present. Tip sheet.

Daily print copies of newspapers can be found on the Hewes Library main level. Contact a reference librarian for help accessing these newspapers digitally.
- Chicago Tribune: received Sunday only, via mail with one day delay and retained for 2 months.
- Courier (Monmouth College Student Newspaper): retained academic year.
- Daily Review-Atlas (Monmouth, IL): received daily and retained for 2 months.
- Journal Star (Peoria, IL): received Sunday through Saturday and retained for 2 months.
- New York Times: received Sunday only, via mail with one day delay and retained for 3 months.
- Register-Mail (Galesburg, IL): received daily and retained for 2 months.
- USA Today: received Sunday through Saturday via mail with one day delay and retained for 2 months.
- Wall Street Journal: received daily via mail, retained for 4 months.
Historical News
- New York Times Historical (1851-3yr embargo) This link opens in a new window
Full-image and fully searchable access to the New York Times, from its first issue as the New York Daily Times, 1851 until 3 years from the present.
- Chicago Tribune Historical (1849-1996) This link opens in a new window
Full-image and fully searchable access to nearly every page and article of the Chicago Tribune, from its first issue as the Chicago Daily Tribune in 1849 through 1997.
- Times Digital Archive (1785-6yr embargo) This link opens in a new window
Full-image and fully searchable access to daily newspaper The Times (London). This resource can also be searched, along other resources, within Gale Primary Sources. Coverage: 1785 through 6 years from the present. Tip sheet.
- Illinois Digital Newspaper CollectionsDigital collection of over 100 newspaper titles, provided by the University of Illinois. Monmouth (IL) newspaper titles include:
- The Evening Gazette (1883-1887)
- The Monmouth Daily Atlas (1905-1922)
- The Republican-Atlas (1895-1913)
- Warren County Democrat (1887-1913)
- Monmouth College Student Newspaper (1867-2010)
All versions of the student newspaper including The Courier and The Oracle. Hosted on Newspaperarchive.com. Patrons will need to create a free account to view online. Current print edition retained academic year.
- African American Historical Serials Collection This link opens in a new window
Documents the history of African American life and religion and includes periodicals, newspapers, reports and annuals from various African American organizations such as churches and educational and service institutions. More information. Coverage: early 19th century until 1922. EBSCO platform.
- American Antiquarian Society Hist. Periodicals (Chronological) This link opens in a new window
Full text access to American periodicals and news sources (published 1684-1912) chronicling life from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction. Browse by SUBJECTS as varied as theology, agriculture, women’s periodicals, slavery and abolition and advertising. Coverage: 17th, 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries.
- Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers Digital Archive This link opens in a new window
Full-image and fully searchable access to 19th century United States newspapers, featuring over 500 titles portraying a broad depiction of life in the 1800's. Useful for research in American history, media, politics, and society, placing particular emphasis on such topics as the American Civil War, African-American culture and history, Western migration and Antebellum-era life. This resource can also be searched, along other resources, within Gale Primary Sources. Coverage: 19th century. Tip sheet.
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